Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wyatt Dean

               He's super cool. I love him. I think Jason Mraz would like to meet him someday.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Leaves become most beautiful when they're about to die

Fall is pretty. The weather smells good, feels good, tastes good, and thanksgiving is just around the corner (the best holiday ever invented). There's nothing to hate about fall. You don't have to stress about getting presents for people, or the right presents for people, or what size shoe your grandmother wears. It's just a simple season full of simple things.

Friday, September 24, 2010

I miss you guys

                                                               (the mountains)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Dear Eminem

I just burned your recovery album that Madison let me borrow, it's very nice I like it a lot. I'm sorry I was a little late in realizing what a great artist you are, I'm sorry. You are very talented. Please forgive me. Let's be friends again. Or lovers. Whatever.
Love Bethany

Just think about it...

I'm back

Kelsey and I just got back from Target. It was great, we missed you though.

                         This is what we got:

Friendship rings
Air fresheners for our automobiles
A candle (shhhh...)
A card for my nephew (he's turning one on October 4th. His name is Cash, we're the best of friends. I love him).
and some other stuff
Welp, that's about it. . .
I'll keep you posted on the rest of my life, don't worry


We're going there (Kelsey and I of course). Right now. You're welcome to come, the door is always open. Actually I think they close at 9. But still, you're welcome to come, if they're closed though it's not our fault. I warned you.

come on

I wish we were friends

Jason Schwartzman

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Teepee workshop

I really want to go to, but it's kinda expensive... But definitely worth it. Please help.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

all God's colors in one bowl

The other day I took my friend Davis to his piano lesson and while I waited for him he told me to read this book called The Latke Who Couldn't Stop Screaming. It's a christmas story by Lemony Snicket. It's good.

It's about a hashbrown who was made for the sole purpose of celebrating hanukah and Christ's birth. He gets dunked in some hot oil and escapes and runs all over town screaming because he's in pain. But while he's running around town screaming, various christmas paraphernalia tell him he's ruining christmas (because he smells good, and that's the candy cane's job, and because he sits under a tree and that's the present's job, and so on). This makes him angry because he keeps saying how he was made for hanukah and so he keeps screaming because of that too. Anyways, it all works out in the end, but I won't ruin it because I'm sure you want to go read it now. But the main purpose of this is to say that I would much rather celebrate hanukah instead of christmas, because christmas is just about presents and santa claus and really has little focus on Christ's birth and His purpose. It's sad that it's taken 20 years to figure this out. But none the less, I'm excited for the holidays, even though it's only september, I know.

Also, I like how the blog title never has anything to do with the blog. Ok, I'm done now.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Butterflies are passive aggressive

Ben Kweller once said that. I'd have to agree with him.

I love school so SO much. I love doing homework all day and night. It gives me such a warm, comforting feeling, knowing that I'm never gonna be able to relive these college days and that my best memories will probably involve getting new highlighters. Ah school, you are like a breath of fresh air after a chlostrophobic summer.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Nothing but our love

This is a new band I stumbled upon, actually Whitney Port stumbled upon them and I stumbled upon her stumbling upon them. Anyways, I think they're pretty good and I really trust Whitney's decisions about things. So there it is. The best part of this video is the last 2 seconds.

I get by with a little help from my friends

Today I came back to my apartment after a long day of plowing the fields and harvesting the crops. I was exhausted and tired and was thinking about crawling in bed and taking a nap, when I opened the door and saw at least 500 balloons covering our room. Yes, you thought right, it was precious Kelsey. She blew up so many balloons with her tiny little mouth and her gigantic little heart. Those balloons were filled up with more than just carbon dioxide, they were filled with love. Thank you for that dear friend, never stop being you.

I covered her with some of them while she was sleeping, but this hardly scratches the surface. Her daughter Ruth is helping hold some of them.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

If you do what you do, yeah well you'll do fine

Hi. It's 4:30 in the morning and I should be running or studying or getting ready for silly clinicals, but instead I'm typing stuff. I just like telling people when I get up in the morning I think. It's a bad habit and I'll try to stop. But no promises.
Also I want to follow Kelsey but I can't find her. KELSEY!!!!... I need to go look for her now.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Polar Bear

I like the part when the butterfly flies in front of him on the train track. It's dangerous, but you can tell this polar bear is a risk taker. I'm probably going to buy a nissan now to help save the earth and get a hug from a polar bear.